*++* Itni Si Baat 1981 Stream Top

Watch Itni Si Baat online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Itni Si Baat cinema online for free. The movie Itni Si Baat has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the blog. One day while travelling on the BEST bus in Bombay, Raja produces a 100 rupee note to buy a 50 paisa bus ticket, and is made fun of by the bus conductor, and asked to leave the bus. Asha, who is travelling on the same bus, pays for his fare, and he tells her that he will re-pay this loan after he gets some change. He does not get the change, and instead loses the 100 rupee note, but makes his way into Asha's heart. Both fall in love, and get married. They live in harmony for several years, and become proud parents of two children. With their growing family, Raja's income is just not enough to make ends, and Asha decides to get a job. Raja decides to stay at home and look after the household chores, and the kids. What happens is that there is chaos at work for Asha, and at home for Raja, with alround hilarious results.

Year: 1981
Genre :
Release Date: 1981-05-28
Actors : Sanjeev Kumar, Moushumi Chatterjee, Arun Govil

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